Source code for bentoml._internal.io_descriptors.multipart

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import typing as t

from multipart.multipart import parse_options_header
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response

from ...exceptions import BentoMLException
from ...exceptions import InvalidArgument
from ...grpc.utils import import_generated_stubs
from ..service.openapi import SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION
from ..service.openapi.specification import MediaType
from ..service.openapi.specification import Schema
from ..utils.formparser import concat_to_multipart_response
from ..utils.formparser import populate_multipart_requests
from . import from_spec as io_descriptor_from_spec
from .base import IODescriptor

    from types import UnionType

    from google.protobuf import message as _message

    from bentoml.grpc.v1 import service_pb2 as pb
    from bentoml.grpc.v1alpha1 import service_pb2 as pb_v1alpha1

    from ..context import ServiceContext as Context
    from ..types import LazyType
    from .base import OpenAPIResponse
    pb, _ = import_generated_stubs("v1")
    pb_v1alpha1, _ = import_generated_stubs("v1alpha1")

[docs]class Multipart( IODescriptor[t.Dict[str, t.Any]], descriptor_id="", proto_fields=("multipart",), ): """ :obj:`Multipart` defines API specification for the inputs/outputs of a Service, where inputs/outputs of a Service can receive/send a **multipart** request/responses as specified in your API function signature. A sample service implementation: .. code-block:: python :caption: `` from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Any import bentoml from import NumpyNdarray from import Multipart from import JSON if TYPE_CHECKING: from numpy.typing import NDArray runner = bentoml.sklearn.get("sklearn_model_clf").to_runner() svc = bentoml.Service("iris-classifier", runners=[runner]) input_spec = Multipart(arr=NumpyNdarray(), annotations=JSON()) output_spec = Multipart(output=NumpyNdarray(), result=JSON()) @svc.api(input=input_spec, output=output_spec) async def predict( arr: NDArray[Any], annotations: dict[str, Any] ) -> dict[str, NDArray[Any] | dict[str, Any]]: res = await return {"output": res, "result": annotations} Users then can then serve this service with :code:`bentoml serve`: .. code-block:: bash % bentoml serve ./ --reload Users can then send requests to the newly started services with any client: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Bash .. code-block:: bash % curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \\ -F annotations=@test.json -F arr='[5,4,3,2]' \\ # --b1d72c201a064ecd92a17a412eb9208e # Content-Disposition: form-data; name="output" # content-length: 1 # content-type: application/json # 1 # --b1d72c201a064ecd92a17a412eb9208e # Content-Disposition: form-data; name="result" # content-length: 13 # content-type: application/json # {"foo":"bar"} # --b1d72c201a064ecd92a17a412eb9208e-- .. tab-item:: Python .. note:: The following code snippet uses `requests_toolbelt <>`_. Install with ``pip install requests-toolbelt``. .. code-block:: python :caption: `` import requests from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder m = MultipartEncoder( fields={ "field0": "value", "field1": "value", "field2": ("filename", open("test.json", "rb"), "application/json"), } ) "", data=m, headers={"Content-Type": m.content_type} ) Args: inputs: Dictionary consisting keys as inputs definition for a Multipart request/response, values as IODescriptor supported by BentoML. Currently, :obj:`Multipart` supports :obj:`Image`, :obj:`NumpyNdarray`, :obj:`PandasDataFrame`, :obj:`PandasSeries`, :obj:`Text`, and :obj:`File`. Make sure to match the input parameters in function signatures in an API function to the keys defined under :obj:`Multipart`: .. code-block:: bash +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | Multipart(arr=NumpyNdarray(), annotations=JSON()) | | | | | | | | | +---------------+-----------------------+----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+ +--------+ | | | | | | +---------------v--------v---------+ | | | def predict(arr, annotations): | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Returns: :obj:`Multipart`: IO Descriptor that represents a Multipart request/response. """ _mime_type = "multipart/form-data" def __init__(self, **inputs: IODescriptor[t.Any]): if any(isinstance(descriptor, Multipart) for descriptor in inputs.values()): raise InvalidArgument( "Multipart IO can not contain nested Multipart IO descriptor" ) from None self._inputs = inputs def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Multipart({','.join([f'{k}={v}' for k,v in zip(self._inputs, map(repr, self._inputs.values()))])})" def _from_sample(cls, sample: dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.Any: raise NotImplementedError("'from_sample' is not supported for Multipart.") def input_type( self, ) -> dict[str, t.Type[t.Any] | UnionType | LazyType[t.Any]]: res: dict[str, t.Type[t.Any] | UnionType | LazyType[t.Any]] = {} for k, v in self._inputs.items(): inp_type = v.input_type() if isinstance(inp_type, dict): raise TypeError( "A multipart descriptor cannot take a multi-valued I/O descriptor as input" ) from None res[k] = inp_type return res def to_spec(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]: return { "id": self.descriptor_id, "args": { argname: descriptor.to_spec() for argname, descriptor in self._inputs.items() }, } @classmethod def from_spec(cls, spec: dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.Self: if "args" not in spec: raise InvalidArgument(f"Missing args key in Multipart spec: {spec}") return Multipart( **{ argname: io_descriptor_from_spec(spec) for argname, spec in spec["args"].items() } ) def openapi_schema(self) -> Schema: return Schema( type="object", properties={args: io.openapi_schema() for args, io in self._inputs.items()}, ) def openapi_components(self) -> dict[str, t.Any] | None: components = {} for io in self._inputs.values(): child_components = io.openapi_components() if child_components is not None: components.update(child_components) return components def openapi_example(self) -> t.Any: return {args: io.openapi_example() for args, io in self._inputs.items()} def openapi_request_body(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]: return { "content": { self._mime_type: MediaType( schema=self.openapi_schema(), example=self.openapi_example() ) }, "required": True, "x-bentoml-io-descriptor": self.to_spec(), } def openapi_responses(self) -> OpenAPIResponse: return { "description": SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION, "content": { self._mime_type: MediaType( schema=self.openapi_schema(), example=self.openapi_example() ) }, "x-bentoml-io-descriptor": self.to_spec(), }
[docs] async def from_http_request(self, request: Request) -> dict[str, t.Any]: ctype, _ = parse_options_header(request.headers["content-type"]) if ctype != b"multipart/form-data": raise BentoMLException( f"{self.__class__.__name__} only accepts `multipart/form-data` as Content-Type header, got {ctype} instead." ) from None form_values = await populate_multipart_requests(request) res = {} repopulate = False for field, descriptor in self._inputs.items(): if field not in form_values: repopulate = True break res[field] = await descriptor.from_http_request(form_values[field]) if repopulate: # break happened; to_populate = zip(self._inputs.values(), form_values.values()) reqs = await asyncio.gather( *tuple(io_.from_http_request(req) for io_, req in to_populate) ) res = dict(zip(self._inputs, reqs)) return res
[docs] async def to_http_response( self, obj: dict[str, t.Any], ctx: Context | None = None ) -> Response: resps = await asyncio.gather( *tuple( io_.to_http_response(obj[key], ctx) for key, io_ in self._inputs.items() ) ) return await concat_to_multipart_response(dict(zip(self._inputs, resps)), ctx)
def validate_input_mapping(self, field: t.MutableMapping[str, t.Any]) -> None: if len(set(field) - set(self._inputs)) != 0: raise InvalidArgument( f"'{self!r}' accepts the following keys: {set(self._inputs)}. Given {field.__class__.__qualname__} has invalid fields: {set(field) - set(self._inputs)}", ) from None
[docs] async def from_proto(self, field: pb.Multipart) -> dict[str, t.Any]: from bentoml.grpc.utils import validate_proto_fields if isinstance(field, bytes): raise InvalidArgument( f"cannot use 'serialized_bytes' with {self.__class__.__name__}" ) from None message = field.fields self.validate_input_mapping(message) to_populate = {self._inputs[k]: message[k] for k in self._inputs} reqs = await asyncio.gather( *tuple( descriptor.from_proto( getattr( part, validate_proto_fields( part.WhichOneof("representation"), descriptor ), ) ) for descriptor, part in to_populate.items() ) ) return dict(zip(self._inputs.keys(), reqs))
@t.overload async def _to_proto_impl( self, obj: dict[str, t.Any], *, version: t.Literal["v1"] ) -> pb.Multipart: ... @t.overload async def _to_proto_impl( self, obj: dict[str, t.Any], *, version: t.Literal["v1alpha1"] ) -> pb_v1alpha1.Multipart: ... async def _to_proto_impl( self, obj: dict[str, t.Any], *, version: str ) -> _message.Message: pb, _ = import_generated_stubs(version) self.validate_input_mapping(obj) resps = await asyncio.gather( *tuple( io_.to_proto(data) for io_, data in zip(self._inputs.values(), obj.values()) ) ) return pb.Multipart( fields=dict( zip( obj, [ # TODO: support multiple proto_fields pb.Part(**{io_.proto_fields[0]: resp}) for io_, resp in zip(self._inputs.values(), resps) ], ) ) )
[docs] async def to_proto(self, obj: dict[str, t.Any]) -> pb.Multipart: return await self._to_proto_impl(obj, version="v1")
async def to_proto_v1alpha1(self, obj: dict[str, t.Any]) -> pb_v1alpha1.Multipart: return await self._to_proto_impl(obj, version="v1alpha1")