
BentoML provides native support for serving and deploying diffusion models utilizing huggingface’s diffusers library. Some of the arguments of bentoml.diffusers mirrors corresponding arguments of huggingface’s diffusers. To get more information about diffusers, please visit diffusers’s official documentation

Importing a Pre-trained Model#

You can import a pretrained diffusion model from huggingface hub or local directory:

import bentoml

    "sd2.1",  # model tag in BentoML model store
    "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1",  # huggingface model name


bentoml.diffusers.save_model can also be used to import diffusion models from Hugging Face, but it requires models to be loaded into memory first, which is resource-intensive for large models. By contrast, bentoml.diffusers.import_model tries to import diffusion models directly without loading them into memory.

If you plan to use the model with a custom pipeline that has method other than __call__ (e.g. a StableDiffusionMegaPipeline), you need to explicitly list them like this:

import bentoml

        "__call__": {
            "batchable": False
        "text2img": {
            "batchable": False
        "img2img": {
            "batchable": False
        "inpaint": {
            "batchable": False


bentoml.diffusers.import_model has parameter signatures. The signatures argument of type Model signatures in bentoml.diffusers.import_model is used to determine which methods will be used for inference and exposed in the Runner. The signatures dictionary will then be used during the creation process of a Runner instance.

The signatures used for creating a Runner is {"__call__": {"batchable": False}}. This means by default, BentoML’s Adaptive Batching is disabled when using import_model(). If you want to utilize adaptive batching behavior and know your model’s dynamic batching dimension, make sure to pass in signatures as follow:

bentoml.diffusers.import_model(model_name, "my_model", signatures={"__call__": {"batch_dim": 0, "batchable": True}})

Building a Service#

Create a BentoML service with the previously saved sd2.1 model using the bentoml.diffusers framework APIs.

import bentoml
from bentoml.io import Image, JSON

bento_model = bentoml.diffusers.get("sd2.1:latest")
sd21_runner = bento_model.to_runner(name="sd21-runner")

svc = bentoml.Service("stable-diffusion-21", runners=[sd21_runner])

@svc.api(input=JSON(), output=Image())
async def txt2img(input_data):
    res = await sd21_runner.async_run(**input_data)
    images = res[0]
    return images[0]


the bentoml.diffusers’s runner will return a tuple instead of diffusers.utils.BaseOutput. The first element of this tuple is usually what you want. :code`bentoml.diffusers` do this to make sure the returned value from runner can be pickled and transferred to remote host, so that distributed deployment can be achieved.

When creating the runner, you can provide a pipeline class (instead of the default StableDiffusionPipeline) and/or a custome pipeline name to get different features from the diffusion model. For example, below is an example of using StableDiffusionMegaPipeline to have both txt2img and img2img in the same runner and service:

from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline

import bentoml
from bentoml.io import Image, JSON, Multipart

bento_model = bentoml.diffusers.get("sd2:latest")
stable_diffusion_runner = bento_model.with_options(

svc = bentoml.Service("stable_diffusion_v2_mega", runners=[stable_diffusion_runner])

@svc.api(input=JSON(), output=Image())
def txt2img(input_data):
    res = stable_diffusion_runner.text2img.run(**input_data)
    images = res[0]
    return images[0]

img2img_input_spec = Multipart(img=Image(), data=JSON())
@svc.api(input=img2img_input_spec, output=Image())
def img2img(img, data):
    data["image"] = img
    res = stable_diffusion_runner.img2img.run(**data)
    images = res[0]
    return images[0]

Inference with Fine-tuned Models#

LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) and textual inversion are 2 methods of fine-tuning a diffusion model. bentoml.diffusers currently support them in inference.

Using LoRA#

You can load a LoRA layer saved on local disk when creating the runner:

import bentoml
from bentoml.io import Image, JSON

bento_model = bentoml.diffusers.get("sd2.1:latest")
sd21_runner = bento_model.to_runner(name="sd21-runner")

stable_diffusion_runner = bento_model.with_options(


A runner will only allow loading LoRA weights if it’s pipeline’s class is a subclass of diffusers.LoraLoaderMixin. That’s why we specify pipeline_class=diffusers.StableDiffusionPipeline in codes above. For more complex LoRA weight loading, you can pass a dictionary instead of a string. For example, if you want to use the LoRA weight stored in file light_and_shadow.safetensors hosted at https://huggingface.co/sayakpaul/civitai-light-shadow-lora, you can provide the lora_weights option like the following:

sd21_runner = bento_model.with_options(
    lora_weights=dict(model_name="sayakpaul/civitai-light-shadow-lora", weight_name="light_and_shadow.safetensors"),

For a runner of which the pipeline’s class is a subclass of diffusers.LoraLoaderMixin, you can also dynamically applying a LoRA weight by calling the runner with an extra parameter lora_weights. The codes below will randomly choose a LoRA weight file to be applied to the current generation process. After the image is generated, the LoRA weight will be unloaded from the pipeline

import random
import bentoml
from bentoml.io import Image, JSON

bento_model = bentoml.diffusers.get("sd2.1:latest")
sd21_runner = bento_model.with_options(

svc = bentoml.Service("stable-diffusion-21", runners=[sd21_runner])

@svc.api(input=JSON(), output=Image())
async def txt2img(input_data):
    weights = ["lora1.safetensors", "lora2.safetensors"]
    weight_name = random.choice(weights)
    input_data["lora_weights"] = weight_name
    res = await sd21_runner.async_run(**input_data)
    images = res[0]
    return images[0]

Using Textual Inversion#

Using textual inversion is very similar to using LoRA. You can load a textual inversion saved on local disk when creating the runner:

import bentoml
from bentoml.io import Image, JSON

bento_model = bentoml.diffusers.get("sd2.1:latest")
sd21_runner = bento_model.to_runner(name="sd21-runner")

stable_diffusion_runner = bento_model.with_options(


However, you cannot load textual inversion dynamically like LoRA currently.