Source code for bentoml._internal.io_descriptors.image

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import io
import typing as t
from urllib.parse import quote

from multipart.multipart import parse_options_header
from starlette.datastructures import UploadFile
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response

from ...exceptions import BadInput
from ...exceptions import InternalServerError
from ...exceptions import InvalidArgument
from ...exceptions import MissingDependencyException
from ...grpc.utils import import_generated_stubs
from ..service.openapi import SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION
from ..service.openapi.specification import MediaType
from ..service.openapi.specification import Schema
from ..types import LazyType
from ..utils import LazyLoader
from ..utils import resolve_user_filepath
from ..utils.http import set_cookies
from .base import IODescriptor

PIL_EXC_MSG = "'Pillow' is required to use the Image IO descriptor. Install with 'pip install bentoml[io-image]'."

    from types import UnionType

    import PIL
    import PIL.Image

    from ...grpc.v1 import service_pb2 as pb
    from ...grpc.v1alpha1 import service_pb2 as pb_v1alpha1
    from .. import external_typing as ext
    from ..context import ServiceContext as Context
    from .base import OpenAPIResponse

    _Mode = t.Literal[
        "1", "CMYK", "F", "HSV", "I", "L", "LAB", "P", "RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX", "YCbCr"
    # NOTE: pillow-simd only benefits users who want to do preprocessing
    # TODO: add options for users to choose between simd and native mode
    PIL = LazyLoader("PIL", globals(), "PIL", exc_msg=PIL_EXC_MSG)
    PIL.Image = LazyLoader("PIL.Image", globals(), "PIL.Image", exc_msg=PIL_EXC_MSG)

    pb, _ = import_generated_stubs("v1")
    pb_v1alpha1, _ = import_generated_stubs("v1alpha1")

# NOTES: we will keep type in quotation to avoid backward compatibility
#  with numpy < 1.20, since we will use the latest stubs from the main branch of numpy.
#  that enable a new way to type hint an ndarray.
ImageType = t.Union["PIL.Image.Image", "ext.NpNDArray"]


READABLE_MIMES: set[str] = None  # type: ignore (lazy constant)
MIME_EXT_MAPPING: dict[str, str] = None  # type: ignore (lazy constant)

def initialize_pillow():
    global MIME_EXT_MAPPING  # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global READABLE_MIMES  # pylint: disable=global-statement

        import PIL.Image
    except ImportError:
        raise InternalServerError(PIL_EXC_MSG)

    MIME_EXT_MAPPING = {v: k for k, v in PIL.Image.MIME.items()}  # type: ignore (lazy constant)
    READABLE_MIMES = {k for k, v in MIME_EXT_MAPPING.items() if v not in PIL_WRITE_ONLY_FORMATS}  # type: ignore (lazy constant)

[docs]class Image( IODescriptor[ImageType], descriptor_id="", proto_fields=("file",) ): """ :obj:`Image` defines API specification for the inputs/outputs of a Service, where either inputs will be converted to or outputs will be converted from images as specified in your API function signature. A sample object detection service: .. code-block:: python :caption: `` from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Any import bentoml from import Image from import NumpyNdarray if TYPE_CHECKING: from PIL.Image import Image from numpy.typing import NDArray runner = bentoml.tensorflow.get('image-classification:latest').to_runner() svc = bentoml.Service("vit-object-detection", runners=[runner]) @svc.api(input=Image(), output=NumpyNdarray(dtype="float32")) async def predict_image(f: Image) -> NDArray[Any]: assert isinstance(f, Image) arr = np.array(f) / 255.0 assert arr.shape == (28, 28) # We are using greyscale image and our PyTorch model expect one # extra channel dimension arr = np.expand_dims(arr, (0, 3)).astype("float32") # reshape to [1, 28, 28, 1] return await runner.async_run(arr) Users then can then serve this service with :code:`bentoml serve`: .. code-block:: bash % bentoml serve ./ --reload Users can then send requests to the newly started services with any client: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Bash .. code-block:: bash # we will run on our input image test.png # image can get from % curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \\ -F 'fileobj=@test.jpg;type=image/jpeg' \\ # [{"score":0.8610631227493286,"label":"Egyptian cat"}, # {"score":0.08770329505205154,"label":"tabby, tabby cat"}, # {"score":0.03540956228971481,"label":"tiger cat"}, # {"score":0.004140055272728205,"label":"lynx, catamount"}, # {"score":0.0009498853469267488,"label":"Siamese cat, Siamese"}]% .. tab-item:: Python .. code-block:: python :caption: `` import requests "", files = {"upload_file": open('test.jpg', 'rb')}, headers = {"content-type": "multipart/form-data"} ).text Args: pilmode: Color mode for PIL. Default to ``RGB``. mime_type: The MIME type of the file type that this descriptor should return. Only relevant when used as an output descriptor. allowed_mime_types: A list of MIME types to restrict input to. Returns: :obj:`Image`: IO Descriptor that either a :code:`PIL.Image.Image` or a :code:`np.ndarray` representing an image. """ def __init__( self, pilmode: _Mode | None = DEFAULT_PIL_MODE, mime_type: str = "image/jpeg", *, allowed_mime_types: t.Iterable[str] | None = None, ): initialize_pillow() if pilmode is not None and pilmode not in PIL.Image.MODES: # pragma: no cover raise InvalidArgument( f"Invalid Image pilmode '{pilmode}'. Supported PIL modes are {', '.join(PIL.Image.MODES)}." ) from None self._mime_type = mime_type.lower() self._allowed_mimes: set[str] = ( READABLE_MIMES if allowed_mime_types is None else {mtype.lower() for mtype in allowed_mime_types} ) self._allow_all_images = allowed_mime_types is None if self._mime_type not in MIME_EXT_MAPPING: # pragma: no cover raise InvalidArgument( f"Invalid Image mime_type '{mime_type}'; supported mime types are {', '.join(PIL.Image.MIME.values())} " ) for mtype in self._allowed_mimes: if mtype not in MIME_EXT_MAPPING: # pragma: no cover raise InvalidArgument( f"Invalid Image MIME in allowed_mime_types: '{mtype}'; supported mime types are {', '.join(PIL.Image.MIME.values())} " ) if mtype not in READABLE_MIMES: raise InvalidArgument( f"Pillow does not support reading '{mtype}' files." ) self._pilmode: _Mode | None = pilmode self._format: str = MIME_EXT_MAPPING[self._mime_type] def _from_sample(self, sample: ImageType | str) -> ImageType: """ Create a :class:`~bentoml._internal.io_descriptors.image.Image` IO Descriptor from given inputs. Args: sample: Given File-like object, or a path to a file. pilmode: Optional color mode for PIL. Default to ``RGB``. mime_type: The MIME type of the file type that this descriptor should return. If not specified, then ``from_sample`` will try to infer the MIME type from file extension. allowed_mime_types: An optional list of MIME types to restrict input to. Returns: :class:`~bentoml._internal.io_descriptors.image.Image`: IODescriptor from given users inputs. Example: .. code-block:: python :caption: `` from __future__ import annotations import bentoml from typing import Any from import Image import numpy as np input_spec = Image.from_sample("/path/to/image.jpg") @svc.api(input=input_spec, output=Image()) async def predict(input: t.IO[t.Any]) -> t.IO[t.Any]: return await runner.async_run(input) Raises: :class:`InvalidArgument`: If the given sample is not a valid image type. :class:`MissingDependencyException`: If ``filetype`` is not installed. :class:`BadInput`: Given sample from file can't be parsed with Pillow. """ try: from filetype.match import image_match except ModuleNotFoundError: raise MissingDependencyException( "'filetype' is required to use 'from_sample'. Install it with 'pip install bentoml[io-image]'." ) img_type = image_match(sample) if img_type is None: raise InvalidArgument(f"{sample} is not a valid image file type.") if LazyType["ext.NpNDArray"]("numpy.ndarray").isinstance(sample): sample = PIL.Image.fromarray(sample) elif isinstance(sample, str): p = resolve_user_filepath(sample, ctx=None) try: with open(p, "rb") as f: sample = except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError as err: raise BadInput(f"Failed to parse sample image file: {err}") from None self._mime_type = img_type.mime return sample def to_spec(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]: return { "id": self.descriptor_id, "args": { "pilmode": self._pilmode, "mime_type": self._mime_type, "allowed_mime_types": list(self._allowed_mimes), }, } @classmethod def from_spec(cls, spec: dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.Self: if "args" not in spec: raise InvalidArgument(f"Missing args key in Image spec: {spec}") return cls(**spec["args"]) def input_type(self) -> UnionType: return ImageType def openapi_schema(self) -> Schema: return Schema(type="string", format="binary") def openapi_components(self) -> dict[str, t.Any] | None: pass def openapi_example(self): pass def openapi_request_body(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]: return { "content": { mtype: MediaType(schema=self.openapi_schema()) for mtype in self._allowed_mimes }, "required": True, "x-bentoml-io-descriptor": self.to_spec(), } def openapi_responses(self) -> OpenAPIResponse: return { "description": SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION, "content": {self._mime_type: MediaType(schema=self.openapi_schema())}, "x-bentoml-io-descriptor": self.to_spec(), }
[docs] async def from_http_request(self, request: Request) -> ImageType: content_type, _ = parse_options_header(request.headers["content-type"]) mime_type = content_type.decode().lower() bytes_: bytes | str | None = None if mime_type == "multipart/form-data": form = await request.form() found_mimes: list[str] = [] for val in form.values(): val_content_type = val.content_type # type: ignore (bad starlette types) if isinstance(val, UploadFile): found_mimes.append(val_content_type) if self._allowed_mimes is None: if ( val_content_type in MIME_EXT_MAPPING or val_content_type.startswith("image/") ): bytes_ = await break elif val_content_type in self._allowed_mimes: bytes_ = await break else: if len(found_mimes) == 0: raise BadInput("no image file found in multipart form") else: if self._allowed_mimes is None: raise BadInput( f"no multipart image file (supported images are: {', '.join(MIME_EXT_MAPPING.keys())}, or 'image/*'), got files with content types {', '.join(found_mimes)}" ) else: raise BadInput( f"no multipart image file (allowed mime types are: {', '.join(self._allowed_mimes)}), got files with content types {', '.join(found_mimes)}" ) elif self._allowed_mimes is None: if mime_type in MIME_EXT_MAPPING or mime_type.startswith("image/"): bytes_ = await request.body() elif mime_type in self._allowed_mimes: bytes_ = await request.body() else: if self._allowed_mimes is None: raise BadInput( f"unsupported mime type {mime_type}; supported mime types are: {', '.join(MIME_EXT_MAPPING.keys())}, or 'image/*'" ) else: raise BadInput( f"mime type {mime_type} is not allowed, allowed mime types are: {', '.join(self._allowed_mimes)}" ) assert bytes_ is not None if isinstance(bytes_, str): bytes_ = bytes(bytes_, "UTF-8") try: return except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError as err: raise BadInput(f"Failed to parse uploaded image file: {err}") from None
[docs] async def to_http_response( self, obj: ImageType, ctx: Context | None = None ) -> Response: if LazyType["ext.NpNDArray"]("numpy.ndarray").isinstance(obj): image = PIL.Image.fromarray(obj, mode=self._pilmode) elif LazyType["PIL.Image.Image"]("PIL.Image.Image").isinstance(obj): image = obj else: raise BadInput( f"Unsupported Image type received: '{type(obj)}', the Image IO descriptor only supports 'np.ndarray' and 'PIL.Image'." ) from None filename = f"output.{self._format.lower()}" ret = io.BytesIO(), format=self._format) # rfc2183 content_disposition_filename = quote(filename) if content_disposition_filename != filename: content_disposition = "attachment; filename*=utf-8''{}".format( content_disposition_filename ) else: content_disposition = f'attachment; filename="{filename}"' if ctx is not None: if "content-disposition" not in ctx.response.headers: ctx.response.headers["content-disposition"] = content_disposition res = Response( ret.getvalue(), media_type=self._mime_type, headers=ctx.response.headers, # type: ignore (bad starlette types) status_code=ctx.response.status_code, ) set_cookies(res, ctx.response.cookies) return res else: return Response( ret.getvalue(), media_type=self._mime_type, headers={"content-disposition": content_disposition}, )
[docs] async def from_proto(self, field: pb.File | pb_v1alpha1.File | bytes) -> ImageType: if isinstance(field, bytes): content = field elif isinstance(field, pb_v1alpha1.File): from .file import filetype_pb_to_mimetype_map mapping = filetype_pb_to_mimetype_map() if field.kind: try: mime_type = mapping[field.kind] if mime_type != self._mime_type: raise BadInput( f"Inferred mime_type from 'kind' is '{mime_type}', while '{self!r}' is expecting '{self._mime_type}'", ) except KeyError: raise BadInput( f"{field.kind} is not a valid File kind. Accepted file kind: {[names for names,_ in pb_v1alpha1.File.FileType.items()]}", ) from None if not field.content: raise BadInput("Content is empty!") from None return else: assert isinstance(field, pb.File) if field.kind and field.kind != self._mime_type: raise BadInput( f"MIME type from 'kind' is '{field.kind}', while '{self!r}' is expecting '{self._mime_type}'", ) content = field.content if not content: raise BadInput("Content is empty!") from None return
async def to_proto_v1alpha1(self, obj: ImageType) -> pb_v1alpha1.File: from .file import mimetype_to_filetype_pb_map try: kind = mimetype_to_filetype_pb_map()[self._mime_type] except KeyError: raise BadInput( f"{self._mime_type} doesn't have a corresponding File 'kind'" ) from None if LazyType["ext.NpNDArray"]("numpy.ndarray").isinstance(obj): image = PIL.Image.fromarray(obj, mode=self._pilmode) elif LazyType["PIL.Image.Image"]("PIL.Image.Image").isinstance(obj): image = obj else: raise BadInput( f"Unsupported Image type received: '{type(obj)}', the Image IO descriptor only supports 'np.ndarray' and 'PIL.Image'.", ) from None ret = io.BytesIO(), format=self._format) return pb_v1alpha1.File(kind=kind, content=ret.getvalue())
[docs] async def to_proto(self, obj: ImageType) -> pb.File: if LazyType["ext.NpNDArray"]("numpy.ndarray").isinstance(obj): image = PIL.Image.fromarray(obj, mode=self._pilmode) elif LazyType["PIL.Image.Image"]("PIL.Image.Image").isinstance(obj): image = obj else: raise BadInput( f"Unsupported Image type received: '{type(obj)}', the Image IO descriptor only supports 'np.ndarray' and 'PIL.Image'.", ) from None ret = io.BytesIO(), format=self._format) return pb.File(kind=self._mime_type, content=ret.getvalue())