Source code for _bentoml_sdk.service.factory

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import logging
import math
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import typing as t
from functools import lru_cache
from functools import partial

import attrs
from simple_di import Provide
from simple_di import inject
from typing_extensions import Unpack

from bentoml import Runner
from bentoml._internal.bento.bento import Bento
from bentoml._internal.configuration.containers import BentoMLContainer
from bentoml._internal.context import ServiceContext
from bentoml._internal.models import Model
from bentoml._internal.utils import dict_filter_none
from bentoml.exceptions import BentoMLException

from ..method import APIMethod
from .config import ServiceConfig as Config

logger = logging.getLogger("")

T = t.TypeVar("T", bound=object)

    from _bentoml_impl.server.serving import Server
    from bentoml._internal import external_typing as ext
    from bentoml._internal.service.openapi.specification import OpenAPISpecification

    from .dependency import Dependency

    P = t.ParamSpec("P")
    R = t.TypeVar("R")

    class _ServiceDecorator(t.Protocol):
        def __call__(self, inner: type[T]) -> Service[T]: ...

def with_config(
    func: t.Callable[t.Concatenate["Service[t.Any]", P], R],
) -> t.Callable[t.Concatenate["Service[t.Any]", P], R]:
    def wrapper(self: Service[t.Any], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

class Service(t.Generic[T]):
    """A Bentoml service that can be served by BentoML server."""

    config: Config
    inner: type[T]

    bento: t.Optional[Bento] = attrs.field(init=False, default=None)
    models: list[Model] = attrs.field(factory=list)
    apis: dict[str, APIMethod[..., t.Any]] = attrs.field(factory=dict)
    dependencies: dict[str, Dependency[t.Any]] = attrs.field(factory=dict, init=False)
    mount_apps: list[tuple[ext.ASGIApp, str, str]] = attrs.field(
        factory=list, init=False
    middlewares: list[tuple[type[ext.AsgiMiddleware], dict[str, t.Any]]] = attrs.field(
        factory=list, init=False
    # service context
    context: ServiceContext = attrs.field(init=False, factory=ServiceContext)
    working_dir: str = attrs.field(init=False, factory=os.getcwd)
    # import info
    _caller_module: str = attrs.field(init=False)
    _import_str: str | None = attrs.field(init=False, default=None)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
        from .dependency import Dependency

        for field in dir(self.inner):
            value = getattr(self.inner, field)
            if isinstance(value, Dependency):
                self.dependencies[field] = t.cast(Dependency[t.Any], value)
            elif isinstance(value, Model):
            elif isinstance(value, APIMethod):
                self.apis[field] = t.cast("APIMethod[..., t.Any]", value)

        pre_mount_apps = getattr(self.inner, "__bentoml_mounted_apps__", [])
        if pre_mount_apps:
            delattr(self.inner, "__bentoml_mounted_apps__")

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

    @_caller_module.default  # type: ignore
    def _get_caller_module(self) -> str:
        if __name__ == "__main__":
            return __name__
        current_frame = inspect.currentframe()
        frame = current_frame
        while frame:
            this_name = frame.f_globals["__name__"]
            if this_name != __name__:
                return this_name
            frame = frame.f_back
        return __name__

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} name={!r}>"

    def find_dependent(self, name_or_path: str) -> Service[t.Any]:
        """Find a service by name or path"""
        attr_name, _, path = name_or_path.partition(".")
        if attr_name not in self.dependencies:
            if attr_name in self.all_services():
                return self.all_services()[attr_name]
                raise ValueError(f"Service {attr_name} not found")
        if path:
            return self.dependencies[attr_name].on.find_dependent(path)
        return self.dependencies[attr_name].on

    def url(self) -> str | None:
        """Get the URL of the service, or None if the service is not served"""
        dependency_map = BentoMLContainer.remote_runner_mapping.get()
        url = dependency_map.get(
        return url.replace("tcp://", "http://") if url else None

    def all_services(self) -> dict[str, Service[t.Any]]:
        """Get a map of the service and all recursive dependencies"""
        services: dict[str, Service[t.Any]] = { self}
        for dependency in self.dependencies.values():
        return services

    def doc(self) -> str:
        from bentoml._internal.bento.bento import get_default_svc_readme

        if self.bento is not None:
            return self.bento.doc

        return get_default_svc_readme(self)

    def schema(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]:
        return dict_filter_none(
                "type": "service",
                "routes": [method.schema() for method in self.apis.values()],
                "description": getattr(self.inner, "__doc__", None),

    def name(self) -> str:
        name = self.config.get("name") or self.inner.__name__
        return name

    def import_string(self) -> str:
        if self._import_str is None:
            import_module = self._caller_module
            if import_module == "__main__":
                if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "__file__"):
                    import_module = sys.modules["__main__"].__file__
                    assert isinstance(import_module, str)
                        import_module_path = pathlib.Path(import_module).relative_to(
                    except ValueError:
                        raise BentoMLException(
                            "Failed to get service import origin, service object defined in __main__ module is not supported"
                    import_module = str(import_module_path.with_suffix("")).replace(
                        os.path.sep, "."
                    raise BentoMLException(
                        "Failed to get service import origin, service object defined interactively in console or notebook is not supported"

            if self._caller_module not in sys.modules:
                raise BentoMLException(
                    "Failed to get service import origin, service object must be defined in a module"

            for name, value in vars(sys.modules[self._caller_module]).items():
                if value is self:
                    self._import_str = f"{import_module}:{name}"
                raise BentoMLException(
                    "Failed to get service import origin, service object must be assigned to a variable at module level"
        return self._import_str

    def to_asgi(self, is_main: bool = True, init: bool = False) -> ext.ASGIApp:
        from import ServiceAppFactory

        factory = ServiceAppFactory(self, is_main=is_main)
        if init:
        return factory()

    def mount_asgi_app(
        self, app: ext.ASGIApp, path: str = "/", name: str | None = None
    ) -> None:
        self.mount_apps.append((app, path, name))  # type: ignore

    def mount_wsgi_app(
        self, app: ext.WSGIApp, path: str = "/", name: str | None = None
    ) -> None:
        # TODO: Migrate to a2wsgi
        from starlette.middleware.wsgi import WSGIMiddleware

        self.mount_apps.append((WSGIMiddleware(app), path, name))  # type: ignore

    def add_asgi_middleware(
        self, middleware_cls: type[ext.AsgiMiddleware], **options: t.Any
    ) -> None:
        self.middlewares.append((middleware_cls, options))

    def __call__(self) -> T:
            instance = self.inner()
            instance.to_async = _AsyncWrapper(instance, self.apis.keys())
            return instance
        except Exception:
            logger.exception("Initializing service error")

    def openapi_spec(self) -> OpenAPISpecification:
        from .openapi import generate_spec

        return generate_spec(self)

    def inject_config(self) -> None:
        from bentoml._internal.configuration import load_config
        from bentoml._internal.configuration.containers import BentoMLContainer
        from bentoml._internal.configuration.containers import config_merger

        # XXX: ensure at least one item to make `flatten_dict` work
        override_defaults = {
            "services": {
                name: (svc.config or {"workers": 1})
                for name, svc in self.all_services().items()

        load_config(override_defaults=override_defaults, use_version=2)
        main_config =[].get()
        api_server_keys = (
        api_server_config = {
            k: main_config[k] for k in api_server_keys if main_config.get(k) is not None
        rest_config = {
            k: main_config[k] for k in main_config if k not in api_server_keys
        existing = t.cast(t.Dict[str, t.Any], BentoMLContainer.config.get())
        config_merger.merge(existing, {"api_server": api_server_config, **rest_config})
        BentoMLContainer.config.set(existing)  # type: ignore

    def serve_http(
        working_dir: str | None = None,
        port: int = Provide[BentoMLContainer.http.port],
        host: str = Provide[],
        backlog: int = Provide[BentoMLContainer.api_server_config.backlog],
        timeout: int | None = None,
        ssl_certfile: str | None = Provide[BentoMLContainer.ssl.certfile],
        ssl_keyfile: str | None = Provide[BentoMLContainer.ssl.keyfile],
        ssl_keyfile_password: str | None = Provide[
        ssl_version: int | None = Provide[BentoMLContainer.ssl.version],
        ssl_cert_reqs: int | None = Provide[BentoMLContainer.ssl.cert_reqs],
        ssl_ca_certs: str | None = Provide[BentoMLContainer.ssl.ca_certs],
        ssl_ciphers: str | None = Provide[BentoMLContainer.ssl.ciphers],
        bentoml_home: str = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bentoml_home],
        development_mode: bool = False,
        reload: bool = False,
        threaded: bool = False,
    ) -> Server:
        from _bentoml_impl.server import serve_http
        from bentoml._internal.log import configure_logging


        return serve_http(

def service(inner: type[T], /) -> Service[T]: ...

def service(inner: None = ..., /, **kwargs: Unpack[Config]) -> _ServiceDecorator: ...

[docs]def service(inner: type[T] | None = None, /, **kwargs: Unpack[Config]) -> t.Any: """Mark a class as a BentoML service. Example: @service(traffic={"timeout": 60}) class InferenceService: @api def predict(self, input: str) -> str: return input """ config = kwargs def decorator(inner: type[T]) -> Service[T]: if isinstance(inner, Service): raise TypeError("service() decorator can only be applied once") return Service(config=config, inner=inner) return decorator(inner) if inner is not None else decorator
[docs]def runner_service(runner: Runner, **kwargs: Unpack[Config]) -> Service[t.Any]: """Make a service from a legacy Runner""" if not isinstance(runner, Runner): # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Expect an instance of Runner, but got {type(runner)}") class RunnerHandle(runner.runnable_class): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(**runner.runnable_init_params) RunnerHandle.__name__ = apis: dict[str, APIMethod[..., t.Any]] = {} assert runner.runnable_class.bentoml_runnable_methods__ is not None for method in runner.runner_methods: runnable_method = runner.runnable_class.bentoml_runnable_methods__[] api = APIMethod( # type: ignore func=runnable_method.func,, batchable=runnable_method.config.batchable, batch_dim=runnable_method.config.batch_dim, max_batch_size=method.max_batch_size, max_latency_ms=method.max_latency_ms, ) apis[] = api config: Config = {} resource_config = runner.resource_config or {} if ( "" in runner.runnable_class.SUPPORTED_RESOURCES and "" in resource_config ): gpus: list[int] | str | int = resource_config[""] if isinstance(gpus, str): gpus = int(gpus) if runner.workers_per_resource > 1: config["workers"] = {} workers_per_resource = int(runner.workers_per_resource) if isinstance(gpus, int): gpus = list(range(gpus)) for i in gpus: config["workers"].extend([{"gpus": i}] * workers_per_resource) else: resources_per_worker = int(1 / runner.workers_per_resource) if isinstance(gpus, int): config["workers"] = [ {"gpus": resources_per_worker} for _ in range(gpus // resources_per_worker) ] else: config["workers"] = [ {"gpus": gpus[i : i + resources_per_worker]} for i in range(0, len(gpus), resources_per_worker) ] elif "cpus" in resource_config: config["workers"] = ( math.ceil(resource_config["cpus"]) * runner.workers_per_resource ) config.update(kwargs) return Service(config=config, inner=RunnerHandle, models=runner.models, apis=apis)
class _AsyncWrapper: def __init__(self, wrapped: t.Any, apis: t.Iterable[str]) -> None: self.__call = None for name in apis: if name == "__call__": self.__call = self.__make_method(wrapped, name) else: setattr(self, name, self.__make_method(wrapped, name)) def __call__(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any: if self.__call is None: raise TypeError("This service is not callable.") return self.__call(*args, **kwargs) def __make_method(self, inner: t.Any, name: str) -> t.Any: import asyncio import anyio.to_thread original_func = func = getattr(inner, name) while hasattr(original_func, "func"): original_func = original_func.func is_async_func = ( asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(original_func) or ( callable(original_func) and asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(original_func.__call__) # type: ignore ) or inspect.isasyncgenfunction(original_func) ) if is_async_func: return func if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(original_func): async def wrapped_gen( *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any ) -> t.AsyncGenerator[t.Any, None]: gen = func(*args, **kwargs) next_fun = gen.__next__ while True: try: yield await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(next_fun) except StopIteration: break except RuntimeError as e: if "raised StopIteration" in str(e): break raise return wrapped_gen else: async def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> t.Any: return await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(partial(func, **kwargs), *args) return wrapped